Hall of Shame Get Paid Programs

     In the fast paced world of the money making internet we can't afford to waste valuable resources on scam, rip-off, sure to fail, low payer or slacker programs. All of these programs listed below have exhibited one or more of these characteristics. No member contact and poor website design are the two main themes throughout this list. Furthermore, little or no forward progress is another major contributor to company's placement on this list. Remember these are my personal opinions and I may be incorrect in my conclusions. However, having 1+ years experience with these "Get Paid To... programs I can tell you I've seen it all. I know what works and what doesn't. I've seen them come and seen them go. I've also predicted many of the sham and scam programs resulting in a protection on my visitors. This is a good guide to familarize yourself questionable programs and their websites. Happy Surfing!

 Shameful Companies Removed From This Website:

    Paid Programs To Avoid. Known/Possible Scams
    Alliance4Wealth -- A complete joke. This just doesn't make sense. There is no way their plan would work. The site design is extremely poor and I strongly doubt they are legit. The lack of information in another concern and characteristic of the scam program. I would avoid this website like the plague.
    CashActive -- The owner of CashActive runs speedline club and he is now sending out email advertisements for paid to surf programs to members of Cashactive. Hmmm, the owner of a paid to surf program is sending out advertisements for other paid to surf programs? This is ridiculous! Cashactive looks to be an effective way for this jerk to accumulate email addresses. CashActive has shown no progress in over 6 months, no member contact, and this unsavory tactic by the owner breaks the camel's back. All promotions have stopped and I'm taking the offensive to protect others.
    ClickyCash -- I have serious concern with this program. All exchange banners and PTS banners belong to ClickyCash. No legitimate company with real advertisers would list just these banners. Also, there earnings model is too good to be true. I've heard some people have clicked enough to make $50 a day. This just doesn't make sense. Finally, I have a major concern when you type http://www.clickycash.com and you reach a redirect page with a woman's referral URL. I'm stopping all promotions and I suggest you do too.
    Data-Cash -- Very unprofessional looking and a several links don't work. In addition, their contact email address is different than their domain name and program name. Plus, the site name and the domain name are different. They also offer $1 per hour which is a complete joke from a company that obviously has no money to invest it site design and a members login section. Finally, they have no automatic referral tracking which is a real bummer. I don't trust or recommend this site.
    RockSurfer -- To good to be true. Very unprofessional site. It's hosted on a freeserver website of all things. Don't trust this program and many others feel the same why. I suggest staying away.
    WePayAll -- It appears that the PayPro (scam site) has made another similar site. Whoever the owners are they sure have a lot of nerve. DO NOT REGISTER ANY INFO WITH THIS SITE!! They ask for a credit card number and the site isn't even on a secure server. If you happened to sign up, I would cancel your credit card that you used in the signup process. It might be a hassle to do this, but it is worth it.
    Zemtro -- I'm strongly recommending that you forget about registering and promoting Zemtro. Zemtro has little creditability with me. They offer 5 referral levels, 100 hour limit of surfing time, and $0.95 per hour for your personal surfing. This will never work. In addition, I received and read the confirmation email after registering. I'm now saying SCAM!!! It looks like they just want you to register for PayPal and NextCard. I've had a couple of friends conclude the same thing. It appears that the site has now went offline. Please take my advice into consideration.

    Paid To Surf Companies Deleted
    Cast-Net Solution -- Orginally came out as a free stock offer. They have relaunched several times and I just don't trust the owner. In addition, there was some major personal info security issues.
    DotAd -- Launched 5/9/99 and no progress or launch. Giving up.
    FreeWebStuff -- Site has disappeared. Declared a scam from the start.
    Go4Billion -- No contact and referral tracking terrible. Lost many referrals. HongKong based.
    MakingCash -- Partnered with PayBar
    OneSrc -- OneSrc has closed operations. Only accounts exceedng $50 will be honored. The company was not able to keep investor backing.
    PrizeWindow -- Viewbar released, but tracking & pay is terrible. I gave up.
    SurfAd -- Must click the viewbar banners for pay.
    SurferGold -- Launched on 11/20/00, site disappeared around 1/25/01. Never signed up because of lack of trust.
    SurfMiles -- Changed referral structure to 1 level, everyone lost out.
    Surfing2Cash -- Inside reports state that this compnay is backrupt. Can't login to my account.
    SharkHunt -- Launched 7/19/99, no progress, and no member contact.
    Urge2Net -- Launched 10/19/99, no progress, and no member contact.
    VIPBenefits -- No communication with members since 12/31

    Paid To Read Email Programs Deleted
    AdBroadcast -- Close ties with GetPaid4. No customer support and no paying ads for over 1 year.
    CashMagic -- A decoy to get referrals under them for SendMoreInfo
    CoolAgent -- Website has been gone for an extented perios of time. No additional info available.
    ClickMail -- Launched 6+ months ago and never paid anyone. Website gone.
    Dollars4Mail -- They change their policy and started charging an $8 fee if you don't earn at least $2.50 a month. In addition, you will not be eligible for your referral's earnings if you don't meet this minimum activity requirement. This is ridiculous and will not be promoted.
    DoughMail -- Totally amatuer site, was on a free server, and not trusted.
    Epidemic -- Went out of business. Site was good, but their money making model wasn't.
    EqualPoints -- Just don't trust. Site is very poor. Original signup was sent by email.
    E-Cash -- Launched, disappeared, and then came back. Database was lost.
    Epidemic -- Was a good looking website. Money problems permanently closed program.
    Getpaidtosendemail -- No referral tracking, very little information provided, no member's area, and no activity.
    InfoAdsNetwork -- Must refer people from their site. Referral tracking method not reliable.
    MiracleMail -- Very little progress and no auto-referral tracking.
    MoneyForMail -- Personally a member for almost 1-1/2 years and still haven't been paid or accumulated over $5. Strongly recommend avoiding this compnay. Site is gone at this time.
    Opt-In -- A copycat of SendMoreInfo. Don't trust and unprofessional site.
    PaidEmail -- Launched and lost member data 3 different times.
    PaidLead -- Russian owner with New York address, but Russian email address. This is a little too fishy and I don't trust it.
    Payolaemail -- Simply not trusted, no real contact, and very amatuer looking.
    PurchaseAlert -- Excellent idea, but no progress. The site has not been updated in over 6 months. No contact with members since launch.
    SendItOn -- Company went backrupt and left members hanging. No contact or site for an extended period of time.
    TresPass -- Program permanently terminated.
    ZosMail -- Program terminated on 12/11/00. Reason behind closure was an inability to raise funding necessary to finance company growth.

    Paid Points <=> Cash Programs Deleted
    AdPerks -- Site was shutdown due to lack of revenues.
    FunnyMoney -- No referral structure. No real incentive to join.
    Profinity -- Surfbar program was discontinuted.
    RewardBuddies -- Little progress and very poor payment structure.
    Rocket8 -- Not worth the time. 1 referral level and tiny pay.
    SurfBuzz -- Serious financial problems. Site closed down.

    Paid To Click Programs Deleted
    Ad4Me -- Launched 1/6/00. No member contact and no referral tracking.
    AdsHouse -- Available to Hong Kong residents only. Notified non-Hong Kong members months after launch.
    Clicks2Asia -- No longer a referral program.
    ClickZones -- Terrible pay. No worth our time.
    GossipAsia -- Too good to be true. Don't trust them at all.
    PaidToClick -- 1 referral level. Pay is insulting.
    QuickClickCash -- Unfortunately QuickClickCash is no longer. Due to technical and financial reasons. Good program while it lasted.
    ShopVault -- No advertisers, so no income for us.
    WackyWare -- Site is gone.

    Paid To Refer Programs Deleted
    eBoodle -- Referral program ended

    Paid To Search Programs Deleted
    ColorStamps -- The paid to search program was concluded. They are now a common search engine.

    Paid Multi-Pay Programs Deleted
    AhMoola -- Closed down due to market conditions. Never had any problems with payment.
    CashClickConcepts -- This is the last time they will rip us off. There is no longer a paid to surf program, any money you earned less than $25 is lost, and only merchandise may be redeemed for any future activity. Simply put, this company is not worthy of my membership.
    FreeJoin -- They took a great attempt at becoming something big, but the economics ended their hopes.
    Skiddily -- Always promised the world and never delivered. Not trustwirthy and now closed down.

    Misc. Paid Programs Deleted
    CatPile -- Website has been gone for an extented perios of time. No additional info available.
    DealDrive -- Website disappeared and haven't seen any new signs of life.
    PeacefulVoid -- No member contact except paid to join programs. Site is not impressive, little public interest, and quite amateurish looking.
    Soundom -- Great paid to listen to music site. Closed down on December 1st, 2002 due to a poor advertising environment. Hope to see them come back.
    StartPrizes -- Nice attempt, but little public backing. The probability of receiving a payment is virtually zero. Safer to pass up than register for.
    TheStudentSaver -- Not a whole lot to offer. Poor referral tracking.
    TurtleMail -- Totally unprofessional site. Domain name doesn't correspond to program name. This site looks like nothing more than a ploy to get traffic.

    Paid To Play Games Programs Deleted
    AddictionZone -- No longer a paying site.
    CashWars -- Company has ceased all operations due to business deal failure with PCS, Ltd.
    CashWiz -- No info. Site closed down.
    CStakes -- They state you receive $5 per referral, but I was never paid. Not a creditable company in my mind.
    dUno -- Market conditions forced closure.
    Gamesboro -- Site closed for a revamping. All previous referrals were lost. I will not promote them a second time.
    GuessAgain -- Never really liked this site. It's closed for construction as of 4/22/02.
    JoinPrizes -- Now a casino site. No interest here.
    MailBonus -- They changed their name to WinVite. They still couldn't survive and closed their site.
    PayTree -- Site has closed down and they now longer have a hosted site.
    PrizeDispenser -- This company closed their service down Thursday, November 30th, 2000 due to a change in business plan.
    SurvivorStakes -- They were a great site. Changed their name to LuckyDuck, but just couldn't make it work. Sorry to see them go.
    VirtualGiveaway -- I won several prizes while they lasted. The company is now a company who sells games and services to other website companies.
    WinToday -- Stopped service due to a downturn in ad revenue.

while they lasted. The company is now a company who sells games and services to other website companies. WinToday -- Stopped service due to a downturn in ad revenue.